We are happy to announce that we will continue to offer a Yoga Teacher Mentoring Program at Three Boons Yoga Berlin f.k.a. Jivamukti Yoga Berlin. 

Looking back at 12+ years of administering 500hour (Jivamukti) yoga apprenticeships here in Berlin and having graduated countless great 800-hour (Jivamukti) yoga teachers in the process, we are happy to now be able to offer a mentoring program to interested yoga teachers with a foundational teacher training within our (Jivamukti) yoga lineage (e.g., 180+hour Three Boons Yoga training, 300hr Jivamukti yoga training or 153+hour Three Boons Advanced teacher training) who would like to continue on their path of self-inquiry and study in an effort of becoming the best human being and yoga teacher they can be.

The Three Boons 630+hr Teacher Mentoring Program provides yoga teachers with 630+ hours of additional training/continuing education through a set curriculum of practical teaching experiences under close mentor supervision interweaved with a regular yoga asana and meditation practice and mentored self-studies. The program is designed to both enhance your teaching skills as a yoga teacher, to let you grow personally as a practitioner of Yoga and to guide you in your independent own studies of Yoga.


The mentoring program at Three Boons Yoga Berlin can stretch over a time period of 3 months absolute minimum to up to two years. Its expected time-frame will be negotiated at the beginning of your mentoring program individually depending on the mentor and your individual needs and prior experiences. In order to receive a 630+hour certification with a manageable daily work-load, usually a 6 months duration is the minimum provided that you work consistently on this project, while 10months is more realistic and three months is only achievable if you invest your full time every day of the week during these 3 months.


630+ hours of deep practice, studying and trying and testing your teacher skills plus a tuition of 10 monthly installments* of 333 Euros to receive a 630+ hour certification.

*If you master the program before all 10 installments are paid, the remaining installments have to be paid before 630+hour certification is granted.

*If you need more than 10months (not counting any holiday months or other leaves taken), to master the program, each additional month of mentoring will be charged at 333 EUR per month. 


The Three Boons 630+hour Yoga Teacher Mentoring Program is your time to intensify your own yoga practice, to deepen your philosophical understanding of the yogic scriptures (including Sanskrit studies) and, most importantly, to work on refining your personal teaching skills and style. All this under the guidance of your personal mentor from the Three Boons Yoga Berlin (3BY) teaching faculty.

All mentorships at 3BY are organized within the framework and curricullum of our 630+hour Yoga Teacher Mentoring Program that guarantees one of the highest teaching standards and the best possible outcome. However, depending on your individual needs, the mentor you have chosen and his/her individual strengths and focus in his/her own practice, different areas of the mentoring program can be emphasized and extended by optional topics and assignments. This approach of our mentoring program will be a great opportunity to deepen in yourself what you love in your mentor as a teacher, but at the same time you will experience a very good, well-balanced phase to dive deeply into your own yoga practice, to build the experience and the knowledge for teaching confidently in a classroom setting and to develop your individual strengths as a yoga teachers. 

In addition, you will become an active part of our faculty which will give you access, in addition to your mentor, to the experience of all your other colleagues. Our goal with the mentoring program at Three Boons Yoga Berlin is to get you ready to teach high quality yoga classes as early as possible during your mentorship and as such, we have always tried to incorporate the mentees at our school into our teaching schedule as soon as possible. 


In order to be eligible to apply for the 3BY yoga teacher mentoring program you must have already graduated from a Yoga Teacher Training of our lineage (Jivamukti Yoga or Three Boons Yoga) before the start of your mentoring program. If certain additional requirements are fulfilled, we also accept mentees who did other Yoga teacher trainings (see below). 

We all know that our own committed yoga practice is the key in our ability to be the best yoga teachers we can be. Therefore, the second requirement is that you should have been a committed yoga student at our school, at any other Jivamukti Yoga school or at any other school that we are in close relationship with. In case we have not worked with you here in Berlin yet, please ask one of your yoga teachers back at home to write you a recommendation letter.

For your application, please write to and include the following information:

  • What kind of Yoga Training(s) did you graduate from and when?

  • For how long have you practiced Yoga and where?

  • Why are you considering to take part in an intense program like the 3YB yoga teacher mentoring program?

  • What qualities do you want to strengthen in yourself?

  • What are you doing at the moment (studies, work, free-time)?

  • How do you see your life unfolding in the next months and years

  • Describe your life-ethics: What is important to you as a human being? How do you see planet earth in the future?

  • Who would be your mentor of choice at 3B? 

  • In case you did not do a Three Boons/Jivamukti training, please read the following paragraph “THREE BOONS MENTORING PROGRAM WITH A FOUNDATIONAL TRAINING OTHER THAN JIVAMUKTI/THREE BOONS YOGA” and elaborate on the requirements mentioned there.

After we have received your application, we will take into consideration everything in your application, but also the capacity we have at the school to accept you into the program. If we feel that you have to invest some more time in your studies before you can be enrolled, we will give you all the information  and a guideline so that you can work on being able to start very soon.


If you already took classes at Three Boons/Jivamukti Yoga Berlin, you might have seen mentees in their mentor’s classes and will probably realize that the Three Boons 630+HR Yoga Teacher Mentoring Program curriculum is very hands-on and practical.

Our mentoring program in fact is based on the concept that the mentee is working very closely with his/her mentor in the actual classes that are happening at the school for a long time (6-18 months). The mentee will, for instance, be asked to assist the students in his/her mentor’s classes and will be asked to teach assignments/sequences in these classes. The curriculum of our mentoring program is not aimed at training you how we teach at our yoga school, but rather designed to refine your already existing teaching skills by giving you the opportunity to try them out safely under the supervision of a mentor in a live-class setting with lots of practical feedback and opportunities to refine and improve offered. Our mentors can only teach their classes at our school consistent to the tradition and lineage we follow at our school (Jivamukti/Three Boons Yoga).

For all these and many more reasons, taking part in our mentoring program would only make sense for you as the mentee, your potential mentor from our school and our yoga school if you as a mentee are already deeply rooted in how we teach yoga at Three Boons Yoga Berlin within our Jivamukti Yoga lineage.

Since the teachers at our school have all graduated from a Jivamukti Yoga Teachers Training or a Three Boons Yoga Training within our Jivamukti Yoga lineage. This means that, for purely practical reasons, we can only work with mentees who also already successfully completed a Three Boons Yoga (200hrs) or Jivamukti Yoga (300hrs) teacher training.

If you did a teacher training other than Three Boons/Jivamukti Yoga, we might be able to admit you on a case-by-case basis if you consider to dive a bit deeper into our lineage by:

  • completing our Advanced Teacher Training “The Art of Teaching Yoga II” (153+hrs) or our Three Boons Yoga Teacher Training “The Art of Teaching Yoga I” (180+hrs)

  • completing the 75hr Jivamukti Yoga Spiritual Warrior Training


At 3B, we have a number of advanced and 800+ hours certified Jivamukti yoga teachers participating as mentors in our yoga teacher mentoring program.

As the mentorship is based on a close relationship between you and your mentor, after your application has been accepted by the school,  your mentor will still have to accept you as a mentee. If this cannot take place, for instance because of your mentor already being at full capacity, you could wait  for your mentor to have capacity, or you are welcome to choose a different mentor of your choice or of our suggestion.

At this point in time the following mentors can be considered:

  • Anja Kühnel

  • Annie Schwalm

  • Hildegard Hahn

  • Michelle Longrée

  • Miriam Iannone

  • Rowena Johnson

  • Sarah Weber

  • Tara Sullivan


While the 3BY Yoga Teacher Mentoring Program does not newly certify you as a yoga teacher, it is probably the most important continuing education that you can get after graduating from a yoga teacher training. It will thoroughly prepare you to develop a personal consistent yoga practice and to teach high quality yoga classes, all this in a 1:1 mentor-mentee relationship and in the real-life setting of yoga classes at Three Boons Yoga Berlin.

After successful completion of the curriculum of the Three Boons Yoga Teacher Mentoring Program and passing five test classes to be taught at 3B, you will receive a certificate from Three Boons Yoga Berlin certifying that you spent 630+hours of additional continuing education as a yoga teacher in the form of a yoga teacher mentorship. Combined with your foundational yoga teacher training of for instance 300hours, you may then call yourself for instance a 800hour certified yoga teacher.  
