To register for our classes on a mobile device, we recommend to use the MindBody app for even easier access.


For even more flexibility, all our Live-Stream classes are also made available for booking as Flex-Streams so you can book and take them anytime you have time. So the Flex-Stream classes on the schedule below are recorded classes that took place today/yesterday (or a few days ago in case of more rare classes on our schedule like Yin, Basic or certain German classes). Since we have so many classes now, Live-Stream classes have their own page now and can be found by clicking here.

Please disregard the start times and durations that are stated on the schedule below, these have no relevance for Flex-Streams! You can book Flex-Stream classes anytime you want and get a link by email right away, so you can start taking your class right away. The duration of the class is stated in its name. Like Open60 would be 60mins long or Basic95 95mins.

IMPORTANT: Pleas stay in the here and now! Flex-Stream classes are for immediate consumption, so please only book them if you want to take the class right away, as the link will not work anymore after a while. Similarly, do not go to future days on the schedule below! Only the classes TODAY are guaranteed to have working links. If you book Flex-Streams for future days, the link will be wrong as the real class did not even happen yet ;)

Please note: The Fitogram booking tool unfortunately does not support sending out Flex-Stream links. So you can only book them with the Mindbody tool.

If you have been at JYB before, especially if you want to use an existing class pack or contract, please DO NOT REGISTER AS A NEW CLIENT (NO, NO, NO: “NEUES PROFIL ERSTELLEN”), but instead click on NEUES PASSWORD ERSTELLEN and enter your email address and you will be sent a password reset link. If you register as a new client, obviously your previously bought packages are not there.

Before using our online booking tools, please make sure to read our general terms (AGBs), cancellation policy and our Widerrufsbelehrung (instructions on your rights of revocation) by clicking here.


JYB CONTRACT MEMBERS may take part at no extra cost as part of their membership. IF you decide to take streaming classes with us in September, we are charging your normal contract fee. If you do not take any steaming classes with us and also do not take any Classes@School in September, we will not charge you anything for September. September monthly fees will be deducted from your bank account beginning of October. Jivamukti Mitte re-opens mid/end September for Classes@School, so September is the last month when the above rule applies.

JYB CLASS PACK/MONTHLY/TRIAL CARD HOLDERS: You may just use your JYB cards which are stored online by going through the above Mindbody (not Fitogram!) booking tool or buy a special Streaming Pass (see below)

STREAMING PRICES WITHOUT JYB CONTRACTS/PACKS: Pay only 10,80 EUR per drop-in for any JYB streaming class or 87.30 EUR for a 10class pack of streaming classes or 87.30 EUR for 30days of Unlimited JYB streaming classes.

OUR STREAMING SERVICE ZOOM.US is pretty self-explanatory once we sent you the link, so I hope you can make it work on your device. Any device and a good internet connection should do but the first time you run it, you will probably need to install something on your computer!

If you have any problems, feel free to email us at we will see what we can do.


In addition we are currently also soft-launching Jivamukti.TV with a wide range of pre-recorded classes with Jivamukti Berlin teachers as well as talks with Jivamukti Yoga co-founders Sharon Gannon and David Life, and many more . Check it out. Just 5.40 EUR per class.

Unfortunately, is not included in the unlimited memberships/monthly passes.