Michelle Longée

In 2020 Michelle absolved the 300h Jivamukti Teacher Training at the Govardhan eco village in India with Jules Febre & Rima Rabbath as facilitators, mentored by Martyna Eder. She is currently taking the Mentorship with the one and only Rowena Johnson as her mentor. She is very grateful for all the teachings she received and to all the teachers that are guiding her on her path.

Michelle loves to play the harmonium & to chant mantra. She has also absolved a Vinyasa Teacher Training in 2018 as well as a Bhakti Training in 2019.

She originally discovered Yoga as a counterbalance to her stressful corporate job. When she was introduced to the wonderful Jivamukti method in 2016, she was hooked. Michelle feels drawn to the teachings of compassion for all beings & nature and the focus on veganism, combined with the heart opening experiences of Bhakti. For her, Jivamukti Yoga provides a well-rounded and meaningful yoga experience that goes beyond the physical practice, promoting a conscious and compassionate way of living.



Émeline Drelon


Mira Goeres