We are very happy to let you know that Laruga Glaser has accepted our invitation to come back this fall, to teach our morning Mysore classes and give a 3-day Workshop at JYB. Our residential Ashtanga teacher Elinore Burke will assist her Mysore classes from September 28th until October 2nd. Laruga is one of the world’s best-known and most experienced practitioners and teachers of Ashtanga Yoga. She began the practice in 1998, studied with Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and his grandchildren for a long time in Mysore, India, and received an authorization to pass the centuries-old line of Ashtanga to her students. She also met our resident JYB Ashtanga teacher Elinore in Mysore this year. Laruga’s practice and teaching style is characterised by a feminine lightness, peace and extraordinary strength. It will surely be very enriching to learn from her and thus deepen your individual practice.
LANGUAGE: The workshop is taught in English.
LOCATION: Jivamukti Yoga Berlin-Mitte
DATE & TIME: Monday, 28. September - Sunday, 4. October, 2020
PRICE FULL WORKSHOP: (Friday evening until Sunday, 5 classes): 297€ regular price, 243€ Early Bird (paid by June 21st)
PRICE SINGLE WORKSHOP CLASSES: 63€ regular price, 54€ Early Bird (paid by June 21st)
PRICE MYSORE CLASSES: 36€/class regular price, 27€/class with USC Checkin, 18€/class with JYB Unlimited, Special Price for all 5: 108€, 54€ with JYB Unlimited
Laruga Glaser
Laruga Glaser has been practicing Ashtanga yoga continuously for over 23 years. Starting in the beginning of her 20s, she was immediately drawn to the practice after working with other forms of yoga years prior. After establishing a committed practice she then deepened her studies traveling to Mysore, India annually to practice at KPJAYI where the late Sri K. Pattabhi Jois taught and now his grandson, R. Sharath Jois teaches. Laruga has made more than 14 trips to Mysore and is on a mission to continue to learn and grow as a student as well as a teacher. She is one of the few in the world who have been given the distinction of being certified to teach up to Advanced B, which is not easily given and takes many years to earn. Through it all, Laruga teaches as an act of deep sharing and love for what yoga develops in each individual, facilitating space to open, challenge, and inspire those to realize their inherent potential, and has been personally invited all over the world to do so.
MONDAY - FRIDAY 28 September - 2 October 2020:
07:00-10:00 Morning Mysore Class (assisted by Elinore)
FRIDAY 2 October:
17:00-19:00 Led Primary Series with Q&A
SATURDAY 3 October:
10:30-12:30 Awakening The Core - Bandhas, Breath and More
In this workshop become more intimately rooted to the internal network of the bandhas while tuning to the central axis of the body. Properly understanding how to engage the bandhas not only bring lightness to the body but also stability and clarity to the mind. Learn to become more closely connected to this often elusive and mysterious part of the practice of Ashtanga yoga, appropriate for all levels.
14:00-16:30 Dynamic Transitions
Learn the dynamics of flight. In this class experience helpful techniques accessing the sometimes daunting part of the Ashtanga Vinyasa system, the jump-back and jump-through. Though challenging, need not be elusive to the practice, and believe it or not, the primary series prepares one to do so. Time will be taken to break down the parts and give useful tools to build inner strength and allow vinyasas to naturally become fluid and graceful. Building upon the jump through we will also experiment with jumping into and exiting out of various postures for added variety and adaptability.
SUNDAY 4 October:
11:00-13:30 Arm Balances & Strength Building
Experience the exhilaration of arm balances in a playful and explorative way, while learning the basic elements and foundational techniques to successfully construct an arm balance practice. Proper alignment, strength building as well as energizing the subtle body will be addressed in this inspiring and informative workshop for all levels.
14:15-16:15 Power Down: The Ashtanga Yoga Closing Sequence
The Ashtanga yoga closing sequence is comprised of a series of postures to cool, center and calm the body at the end of the practice. With various inverted postures and longer breath holds, gain greater understanding and awareness into this important sequence of postures.
RESERVATION PROCEDURE: Due to the limited number of spaces available for workshops we only accept binding reservations with full pre-payment of the workshop fees. With full payment of the workshop fee you are firmly booked for the workshop (we reserve the right to turn down registrations in case an event is sold out; in this case the date/time of receipt of the full payment is relevant). In case you cannot come, you can name another person who can come instead of you.
By booking workshops with us, you are accepting our standard booking conditions for workshops and seminars. You can read these conditions by clicking here. Please note: Once we received your payment your spot at the workshop is firmly booked and the workshop fee cannot be refunded. However, if you are prevented to come, you can name a replacement person, who has not yet registered with us, who can come instead of you. In case the workshops sell out, spots will be given in the order the payment is received. We suggest to reduce your financial risks that you cannot come to a workshop you booked by buying a workshop- and seminar insurance, which you can buy for little money by clicking here.
Directly at the Jivamukti Yoga Berlin with cash or all major debit and credit cards
By sending the applicable amount (see above) to our bank account as follows:
Jivamukti Berlin GmbH
Konto-Nr. 0020011610
BLZ 70022200
IBAN DE66700222000020011610
Fidor Bank AG
Verwendungszweck: "LARUGA + FULL IMMERSION/ONE DAY/MYSORE + DATE" + name of the participant + email-address if you like to receive a confirmation + USC membership number (if booking with USC) USC only: Once we receive your payment, we will enter you for a visit on the day we enter your payment.
** NB: The reduced early bird fees are only valid if full payment is received by the deadline.
By Major Credit Cards directly through our MindBody registration system:
=> Just click SIGN UP next to the class you want to sign up for (NOT POSSIBLE for JYB-Unlimited special price, instead please send an email to info@jivamuktiberlin.de and the due amount will be charged together with your monthly member fee)
If you have been at JYB before, especially if you want to use an existing class pack or contract, please DO NOT REGISTER AS A NEW CLIENT (NO, NO, NO: “NEUES PROFIL ERSTELLEN”), but instead click on NEUES PASSWORD ERSTELLEN and enter your email address and you will be sent a password reset link. If you register as a new client, obviously your previously bought packages are not there.
Before using our online booking tools, please make sure to read our general terms (AGBs), cancellation policy and our Widerrufsbelehrung (instructions on your rights of revocation) by clicking here.
The Circus Hotel
Rosenthaler Strasse 1 10119 Berlin
Tel.: +49 -(0)30 - 2000 39 39 Fax +49 -(0)30 - 2000 39 3 699
Email: info@circus-berlin.de
Web: http://www.circus-berlin.de
Gates Berlin City East Hotel
Invalidenstr. 98 10115
Berlin Free-Service Numbers: 0800 311 0600 und 0800 Gates Berlin
Tel: +49 (0)30 311 06-0
Fax: +49 (0)30 312 20 60
Hotel Taunus
Monbijouplatz 1 10178 Berlin-Mitte
Tel: +49 (0)30 2 83 52 54
Fax: +49 (0)30 2 83 52 55
Email: mail@hoteltaunus.com
Web: http://www.hoteltaunus.com
The Circus Hostel
Weinbergsweg 1a 10119 Berlin
Phone: +49-(0)30-28 39 14 33
Web: http://www.circus-berlin.de
Hostel Singer 109
Singer Str. 109 10179 Berlin – Mitte
Tel.: +49 (0) 30 868 787 0
Fax: +49 (30) 868 787 - 500
Web: www.singer108.com
Heart of Gold Hostels
Johannisstrasse 11 10117 Berlin
phone 0049 (0)30 29 00 33 00 fax 0049 (0)30 290 44 717
Email: bridge@heartofgold-hostel.de
Web: www.heartofgold-hostel.de
Baxpax Downtown Hostel Hotel
Mitte Ziegelstr. 28, 10117 Berlin
Phone: +49(0)30 278 748 80
Fax:++49(0)30 278 748 899
E-mail: info@baxpax-downtown.de
Web: www.baxpax.de/downtown/en/contact
Alcatraz Backpacker Hostel
Schönhauser Allee 133a 10437 Berlin
Phone: +49 (30) 48 49 68 15
Fax: +49 (30) 48 49 68 17
Email: post@alcatraz-backpacker.de
Web: www.alcatraz-backpacker.de
Hotel Pension Kastanienhof
Kastanienallee 65 10119 Berlin-Mitte E-Mail: info@kastanienhof.biz
Internet: www.kastanienhof.biz
Auguststraße 43,
Ecke Rosenthaler Straße 10119 Berlin
Tel: ++49-(0) 30-80 94 15-0
Torstraße 136 10119 Berlin Tel: ++49-(0) 30-530 280 80
Rosenthaler Strasse 69 10119 Berlin
Brunnenstraße 1-2 10119 - BERLIN