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We recommend early booking, not only for the early bird discount (available until June 21, 2020), but also because spots are limited. Introducing our new Jivamukti Yoga 75 Hour Teacher Training! This program is our practical new introduction to the Jivamukti Yoga Method, designed for aspiring Jivamukti Yoga Teachers. This also serves as the foundation to our base level Teacher Training, the 300 Hour TT. The Jivamukti Yoga® Teacher Training will provide you with a blueprint for incorporating the physical, psychological, spiritual and mystical aspects of yoga into modern life, without losing sight of the universal goal of the practice: liberation. Jivamukti Yoga's® focus on a non-dualistic view of life (the interconnectedness of all) awakens in the practitioner not only the need to protect the environment and all the animals and plants that share the planet with us, but also teaches skills to confidently achieve those goals for oneself as well as lead others to live in harmony with the planet.

DATE: Oct 10+11, 17+18, 24+25, 31+Nov. 1, Nov 7+8, 2020


  • You want to bring your yoga practice to a deeper level.

  • You are interested Satsang, spending time with like-minded people who are interested in yours and their own personal growth.

  • Students who are interested in seeing yoga practice from the teacher's perspective

  • You are a Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher and you need Continuing Education Credits (*availability of CE credits may vary from studio to studio)

  • You are interested in taking the 300-HR Jivamukti Teacher Training, but would like more experience with Jivamukti Yoga and the Jivamukti method before signing up for the 300 HR program.

  • You have taken a 200 hr. Teacher Training elsewhere, and would like to delve deeper into the teachings of yoga and obtain more knowledge about the Jivamukti method.


Participants must have practiced the Jivamukti Yoga Spiritual Warrior class a minimum of 10 times within the last 6 months, prior to the beginning of the training; and provide documentation that this prerequisite has been completed. Documentation can be provided in various ways, for example by providing MindBody class attendance printouts, or a log with dates of classes were taken initialed by the teacher(s). Please bring this documentation with you on the first day of the training. If you are unable to practice with a local Jivamukti teacher, we invite you to access our online Spiritual Warrior practice module https://jivamuktiyoga.com/campaigns/login, which will allow you to practice the sequence 10 times, and will provide you with a certificate upon successful completion. The cost is $54. If you have any questions on the SW practice module, please email webeditor@jivamuktiyoga.com for assistance.


Participants must familiarize themselves with and have copies of the following 5 publications: 

  1. Jivamukti Yoga: Practices for Liberating Body and Mind, by Sharon Gannon and David Life

  2. The Art of Yoga Assists, by Sharon Gannon and David Life

  3. Yoga and Vegetarianism, by Sharon Gannon

  4. Jivamukti Chant Book, by Sharon Gannon and David Life

  5. The Magic 10 and Beyond, by Sharon Gannon



Notebook for taking notes and journaling etc Writing utensils Yoga mat As this training is taking place at JYB, we will provide belts, blocks, massage gel, and lotions as part of the training. However, it might be a good idea to have these for your private use at home for further practice as well as for the homework assignments.


PRICE: 1.800 EUR. 270 EUR non-refundable Sign-up deposit to save you a spot, except for students with a JYB Unlimited contract who opt for the payment plan. 300hr certified Jivamukti teachers, taking the 75hr Teacher Training, will be offered a discount of 40%.

RESERVATION PROCEDURE: 270EUR non-refundable Sign-up deposit has to be paid, except for students with an JYB Unlimited contract who opt for the payment plan, a 270€ non-refundable sign-up deposit, counting towards the total price of the training is required by the organizer of this training, Jivamukti Yoga Berlin (JYB), to initiate the training registration and to reserve a space in the training.


  • 207 EUR Early Bird + Immediate Full Payment Discount (available until August 31st)

  • 108 EUR Early Bird Payment Plan only w/ JYB Unlimited contract (available until August 31) the course fee can be paid in up to 2 equal installments which are due by Aug 31st (1st installment) and September 21st, 2020 (2nd installment). The Early Bird Payment Plan option is exclusively available for students with a Jivamukti Yoga Berlin Unlimited contract with monthly payments by SEPA direct debit only (sorry no credit card, nor pre-paid nor Fanta 4 contracts) that is valid through (i.e. not canceled before) November 2020.

  • 108 EUR EUR with JYB Unlimited Contract (offered in addition to EB)

  • 18 EUR Discount: Payment via SEPA bank transfer in Euro to our German, Payment via Transferwise.com and Payment with Paypal Friends&Family payment option.

  • Certified Jivamukti Yoga Teacher Discount 40% off (discounted) tuition

REGISTRATION: We recommend early booking, not only for the early bird discount, but also because spots are limited. Please check out the registration form for detailed information about prices and discounts and more information on the program.


STEP 0: Download the registration form, and make sure the offering, dates, prices, options and terms are agreeable for you.

STEP 1: Make the applicable non-refundable sign-up deposit to hold your spot in the retreat and initiate the registration process. See below for payment options and instructions for the sign-up deposit.

STEP 2: Fill in and sign the registration form you downloaded in Step 0. We kindly recommend to use the free iPhone/Android App “Adobe Fill & Sign”! Alternatively, you can also print it out and fill and sign it and then either snail mail, or fax it to +49-30-48491950 or scan and email it to info@jivamuktiberlin.de. Download Adobe Fill&Sign for iPhone/ipad here and for Android hier.



Introduction: This 75hour Jivamukti Yoga teacher training, developed by the Jivamukti Global community, is held at Jivamukti Yoga Berlin on the following dates in 2020, which this booking form is for: Dates and Times: Oct 10+11, 17+18, 24+25, 31+Nov. 1, Nov 7+8 plus 2 hours homework each day

Language: English (Anja also speaks German, so individual tips/hints in German will be possible but comprehension of English will be necessary to successfully attend this training)

Pls. note: The tuition for this course does not include any food, accommodation, or travel services. All these extra costs need to be borne and booked independently by the participant.

Curriculum: The curriculum of this training presents 5 units, each unit is 15 hours. Thus, you will, upon successful participation, receive a certificate* of attendance for 75 hours of training in the Jivamukti Yoga method. (*please see separate detailed section below on the types of certification that can be achieved through this training). The Jivamukti Yoga 75 hour training is aimed to provide you with a blueprint for incorporating the physical, psychological, spiritual and mystical aspects of yoga into modern life, without losing sight of the universal goal of the practice: liberation. Jivamukti Yoga’s focus on a non-dualistic view of life (the interconnectedness of all) awakens in the practitioner not only the need to protect the environment and all the animals and plants that share the planet with us, but also teaches skills to confidently achieve those goals for oneself as well as lead others to live in harmony with the planet.

Each day of the training consists of 5.5 hours of teacher training at the studio, a lunch break plus 2 hours of home-work that you need to work on by yourself. You will receive a training manual with an overview and summary of the curriculum content and with your home-work assignments. Every day of the training begins with a short meditation and an exploration into a topic of yoga philosophy and a mantra that is quintessential to the Jivamukti Yoga method. There is a daily practice of the Jivamukti Spiritual Warrior class, followed by a practical and/or a lecture. The focus of this training will be on teaching you how to teach and on the methodology. This way, upon successful completion of this training, our aim is for you to be able to teach a Jivamukti Spiritual Warrior class by yourself. As part of the curriculum of the 75 hour Jivamukti Teacher Training, our goal is for you to learn:

  • how to teach the exact sequence of the Jivamukti Yoga Spiritual Warrior class

  • how to teach the Jivamukti Magic 10 as developed by Sharon Gannon

  • how to apply and teach according to the art of Vinyasa Krama

  • how to give safe assists for the asanas within the Jivamukti Spiritual Warrior class the foundations of the five tenets of Jivamukti Yoga (Ahimsa, Bhakti, Shastra, Nada, Dhyana)

  • the meaning of three Sanskrit Mantras, that are quintessential to the Jivamukti Yoga method, and how to chant them what asana practice has to do with the relationship to ourselves, and to the world around us

  • how to properly receive and give feedback from/to others


Certificiate of Completion: After successful and complete attendance of all parts of this training, you will be issued a Certificate of Completion certifying that you took 75hours of foundational training in the Jivamukti Yoga method, namely how to teach the Jivamukti Spiritual Warrior class.

Please note: This certificate of completion alone does NOT authorize you to teach Jivamukti Yoga Spiritual Warrior classes nor does taking this 75hr foundational training alone authorize you to teach any other Jivamukti Yoga class nor to use the brand name Jivamukti Yoga for any of your other yoga classes or similar yoga teaching services. These limitations will be stated in fine print on your certificate.

Teaching a test class in order to receive authorization to teach Jivamukti Spiritual Warrior classes: If you want to receive authorization to teach a Jivamukti Spiritual Warrior class without taking the full 300hour Jivamukti Teacher Training, it is suggested that, after completion of our 75hr training, you first teach a number of classes, free of charge, in your community or to your friends/family, in order to enable you to confidently teach a test class at a Jivamukti Yoga School of your choice in front of the Director of the school, a 75hour Jivamukti Teacher Training Facilitator and/or the school’s JTAP Program director. For this test class, which has to be passed within one year of the completion of your 75hr training, you need to pay an additional examination fee, which at JYB is corresponding to the 95min private class fee of the examiner and includes taking your test class for 60 minutes and giving you feedback for 30 minutes. If you pass this test class, you will be issued another written certificate that will say: “You are now authorized to teach a Jivamukti Spiritual Warrior Class”. If you do not pass, the test class, you may repeat it for an unlimited number of times within one year (subject to the examination fee being paid for each test class).

Please note: This certificate will also state, in fine print: “You cannot call yourself a Jivamukti Yoga Teacher until you attend a 300 HR TT program, nor may you teach any other Jivamukti Yoga classes or use the brand name Jivamukti Yoga for any of your other yoga classes or similar yoga teaching services.”.

Taking the 300 HR Jivamukti Teacher Training: Alternatively, you may also take the full 300 HR Jivamukti Teacher Training at a later point which authorizes you to teach any Jivamukti Yoga class, including the Jivamukti Spiritual Warrior class, without passing a test class. And the best thing is that the fees you paid for your 75HR training will be offset against your 300HR tuition as follows: Sign up to 300hr JYTT within one year after 75hour TT completion: 100% of JY75 tuition paid Sign up to 300hr JYTT within two years after 75hour TT completion: 50% of JY75 tuition paid Sign up to 300hr JYTT more than 2 years after 75hour TT completion: 0% of JY75 tuition paid.


For all classes/sessions/parts of this course it is crucial that you arrive on time. There will be no (partial or full) refund of the course fee if you miss any classes of the course. Please note that participation will be monitored, and a certificate of completion will only be issued if you take part in the full 75 hours of this course. The main requirement for successfully completing the training and receiving the certificate is that you need to “show up” and “be present” and engaged at all sessions, complete all homework, learn the sequence, and participate in the final review. It is up to the discretion of JYB and the facilitator of the 75 Hour training to grant a reasonable extension for a student to complete any work or to deny giving a student a certificate for stating the reason(s) in writing. However, in case of missed classes, sessions, regardless of the reason for missing them, the certificate will only be issued if they have been completed, which will involve an additional fee to compensate the facilitator for taking the time to re-teach the missed parts of the program just for you. This fee will be the pro-rated undiscounted training price in case you re-take the missed parts of the training in a following training. In case you ask the facilitator to teach the missed parts outside of another training just for you, this price will be multiplied by the factor of 9. I.e. if you need to re-take 2 hours of the training, you would have to pay 1.539 EUR / 75 * 2 * 9 = 369.36 EUR to the facilitator.


DATES: Jivamukti Yoga Berlin Dates for the TT modules:  Oct 10+11, 17+18, 24+25, 31 + Nov. 1, Nov 7+8, 2020

SCHEDULE: 8:30-11:30 Sessions 1-3 11:30-13:00 Lunch Break 13:00-16:00 Sessions 4+5 16:00-18:00 or at your own schedule mandatory 2hour home-work

LANGUAGE: English (Anja is a German native speaker and can contribute all necessary tips and references in German; nevertheless understanding English on a basic level can be helpfull for your participation in the Teacher Training)


JYB Director Anja

Anja is facilitating this teacher training. She is an Advanced Certified Jivamukti Yoga Teacher and mainly teaches at her two Jivamukti Yoga Berlin centers. If time allows, she accepts one of the many invitations to teach workshops worldwide. Anja has been teaching international Jivamukti retreats for a number of years, leads the 800-hour Jivamukti Apprenticeship Teacher Training Program in Berlin, where she has certified numerous teachers in the past, and is a facilitator of the international Jivamukti Teacher Trainings. She also has been teaching intensive international Jivamukti Yoga retreats worldwide for a number of years now, often together with internationally renowned teachers like Sharon Gannon, David Life, Manorama and Dechen Thurman. Anja has been a devoted student of Jivamukti Yoga founders Sharon Gannon and David Life since she first met them in 2000 while temporarily living in New York. Privately, she has a special interest in studying the teachings of Vedanta and Sanskrit and adopting rescued dogs


David Essing (Assistant)

During my training as a stage dancer, I came in contact with yoga for the first time and was fascinated by the inner strength and calm that I experienced through practice. For about 10 years I sporadically went to yoga classes, mostly when I was mentally or physically not so well. While working as a performer in London, I discovered Jivamukti Yoga. It was the first style that got me on the mat every day and made me develop a steady practice. In 2015 I completed the 300h Teacher Training and started the 800h Jivamukti Teacher Apprentice Program (JTAP) under the supervision of my mentor Anja Kühnel at Jivamukti Berlin. Meanwhile I decided to end my dance career and started studying Osteopathy in 2017. Since October 2018 I am an Advanced Certified Jivamukti Yoga Teacher and more recently a mentor in the JTAP program.

लक समस्त सुखन भवन्तु

lokāḥ samastāḥ sukhino bhavantu




SICILY RETREAT 18/20.6.-27.6.2021